Stanced IS200 - I wish I was this cool.

Stanced IS200 - I wish I was this cool.

So when you see a stupidly bright PINK IS200 that’s slammed on it’s nackers, you wouldn’t exactly think that the owner didn’t even want an IS200. But when Michael’s neighbour offered him one cheaper than a Freddo in the 90’s he thought, okay, let’s send it!
That is exactly what he did.
Full send doing the majority of the work himself making this once plain motor an absolute stance piece, and its still auto?! SO he must have built it for comfort right?

Nope it’s not for comfort! It is slow, hit’s the floor and is just a bit of fun. To quote its still auto just because I’m too lazy to actually convert it’ Well fair play Michael, it is cooler than penguin piss! We love it. Here he is again keeping those insane wheels clean on the go! Sporting a sensual mustache aswell, God I wish I was that cool
Michael Dolton Average guy - crappy job Does stupid stuff like this in his spare time. @MxkeyD

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